The numbers tell the truth and can Ws Numbers List lead you to the solution. You just need to learn HOW to use them to your advantage. Your Ws Numbers List need a bit of Financial Foreplay. Are You Avoiding The Numbers? When is the last time you took Ws Numbers List two hours out of your week to analyze the financial statements of a client or your own business? Can you honestly say.
That you know exactly where you (or they) Ws Numbers List are at and WHY? Do you sometimes wonder what the numbers are trying to tell you? Are you guilty of Ws Numbers List wasting money chasing new leads and sales instead of fixing the Ws Numbers List business and making it more profitable? Most coaches and business owners make the mistake of assuming
They can improve the business by examining Ws Numbers List the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, these Ws Numbers List statements only tell part of the story. In fact, you cannot measure the cash flow position Ws Numbers List of a business by looking at the bank balance or examining the financial statements.